We bring history to life.
CANB's Grant Season begins March 1st this year.
Get your draft grant proposals in to the Archives Advisor by March 31st, so that it can be reviewed before submission to the Adjudication Committee on May 6th.
The CANB Grant Program takes place in the spring/summer every year.
Through this program, successful applicants can receive funding to support archival projects undertaken at your archives.
Funding is available for the following types of projects:
Arrangement and Description;
Digitization, Reformatting, & Migration (in-house & external);
Supplies Purchase;
Redescription of non-RAD Compliant Fonds; and
Training & Professional Development.
Archival institutions must be CANB members in good standing in order to qualify for a grant. Qualified applicants may submit more than one grant application (but multiple applications must be ranked by priority).
Please make sure to read over the new Guidelines to make sure that your project qualifies for funding. Applications will be reviewed by the CANB Executive Committee, and announcements will be made to successful applicants in June.
A mid-term check-in with the Archives Advisor will happen by email in the fall.
A final report must be submitted to the CANB by March 31, 2026.
CANB Grant Program Downloads:
CANB Grant Program Guidelines 2025-2026
Grant opportunities:
1. Arrangement and Description and its cost spreadsheet
2. Digitization, Reformatting, and Migration of AV Material
3. In House Digitization, Reformatting, and Migration
4. Purchasing Supplies and its cost spreadsheet
5. Redescription of non-RAD Compliant Fonds and its cost spreadsheet
6. Training and Professional Development